enterprise cloud services

Enterprise cloud services used for nasty phishing campaign

Phishing emails — the type that seem to come from legitimate sources but are actually ploys for stealing access credentials or delivering malware — have become even more difficult to spot in recent times. In fact, a newly discovered phishing campaign pretends to come from companies’ help desks and use enterprise cloud services to pull it off. Here’s how the scam works: [...]

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cloud sticker shock

Cloud sticker shock; how to prevent it

Cloud technology offers businesses many awesome benefits, including improved flexibility, data security, and efficiency. Potentially lower costs are also among its upsides, but many businesses counting on this particular advantage end up getting sticker shock when they do receive their monthly cloud bill. [...]

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Microsoft Enterprise Mobility and Security

Microsoft Enterprise Mobility and Security: Do you need it?

Nowadays, office staff can go log in to their user account using any PC in the office. Additionally, they’re not limited to the office — they can work practically wherever they want and use all sorts of portable devices like laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Microsoft aims to help businesses leverage portable technology and secure their data with Microsoft Enterprise Mobility + Security (EMS). Let’s take a look at what EMS is and how it can benefit businesses like yours. [...]

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SMBs and multi-cloud strategy

SMBs and multi-cloud strategy

For many small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), the cloud is the cornerstone of their IT strategy. By leveraging the cloud, SMBs can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and gain a competitive edge.

There are various cloud strategies that SMBs can choose from: single public cloud, single private cloud, hybrid cloud, and multi-cloud. But in this blog post, we'll zero in on a multi-cloud strategy and assess whether it's viable for SMBs. [...]

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