world backup day

World Backup Day: How to secure your cloud backups

World Backup Day is an important reminder to businesses that no one is immune to the risk of data loss, whether it's due to a natural disaster, a cyberattack, or simply human error. That's why it's so important to have a robust cloud backup solution in place and to make sure those backups are secure all the time. In this blog, we'll discuss five tips for keeping your cloud backups safe and secure. [...]

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review your data backup plan

Review your data backup plan

When it comes to data backup, businesses have a lot of misconceptions. Some believe that if they have a backup plan in place, then they're good to go. Unfortunately, this is not the case. It's important to regularly review your data backup plan to ensure your business is protected from data loss.

In this blog post, we will discuss the compelling reasons why you should review your data backup plan to help protect your business from disaster. [...]

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Cloud backup best practices

It's an unfortunate reality that the drawbacks of local backups often outweigh their benefits. This is why organizations are turning to cloud backups. If your firm has decided to do the same, make the most out of your IT investment by following these best practices : [...]

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shift to cloud computing

A shift to cloud computing calls for a shift in business mindset

Much like how plants rely on root fungi for mineral uptake and bees for pollination, businesses form mutually beneficial relationships to drive growth. One such relationship is outsourcing — and using the cloud is a prime example of this. When you utilize cloud resources, you rely on a cloud services provider (CSP) for IT resources and services instead of on your own machines and manpower.

Such a dramatic shift in operations requires business owners and managers to rethink the way they operate. [...]

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cost-efficient data backups

Take these steps to ensure cost-efficient data backups

When it comes to business data storage and access, we’re always told to never put all of our eggs in one basket. That is, instead of only having one copy of your entire data set in one location, you’ll want to have backups stored in different locations. However, people fail to mention that baskets beyond the first also cost money. [...]

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developing a multicloud strategy

Developing a multicloud strategy that works

As with any effective business solution, cloud offerings don’t come in one-size-fits-all packages. Different cloud solutions solve different business needs, which is why it’s no longer unusual to find companies that use many clouds from different vendors. While being able to stick to one cloud is good if your business really needs only one, developing a multicloud strategy might very well be necessary for yours. Here are a few tips to consider before implementing such an approach. [...]

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